Disaster is a natural phenomenon that can't be stopped but we can reduce their effects by measures of disaster prevention.
If you are living in an affected area then you should know how to reduce the effects of the disaster.
Often saw that due to a lack of general awareness about the prevention of disaster, it leads to more damage to life and property.
There are many types of disasters that occur from time to time, like Tsunamis, Cyclones, earthquakes, Flood, Drought, and also various man-made disasters.
Therefore, it is vital that people should be aware of disaster prevention steps to face these emergencies.
Understand The Background Of Disaster and Disaster Prevention
For your information I would like to tell you, we always understand that Disaster and Hazard are the same words, but there is a micro difference between both words;
Hazard is a dangerous phenomenon that substance human activity or condition, while Disaster is a serious disruption of the functioning of a community or a society. It means Hazard is the starting phase of Disaster, so a great hazard can change into a disaster.
Now Let's start our main topic Disaster;
Unexpected events that happen due to natural or human reasons that impact life and goods in huge quantities are called disasters.
In other words, disaster is the result of nature or human-made hazard that negatively affects our environment or society. Disasters are also a barrier to the development of any country because of the damage to infrastructure.
Due to the disaster, also natural balance in many areas worsens, resulting in boosted the capacity and frequency of destruction of disasters.
According to Colin Grant: Disaster is catastrophic causing injury or illness to at least thirty people who require hospital emergency treatment.
Causes of disaster:
Disaster is not a recent phenomenon. There have been various types of disasters on the earth since ancient times, but the impact and frequency of the past were less than the present.
Population growth, Urbanization, Tapping of resources, and Interference in nature are the main causes of disasters today, and as well as their effects have been increased.
By the way, there are various types of disasters (flood, drought, earthquake, tsunami, cyclones, etc.) on the earth. The reasons for which are also different, such as floods are due to excessive rainfall, forest destruction, breaking of dams, etc.
Similarly, earthquakes, volcanoes, and tsunamis are the movements caused by the internal activity of the earth.
Apart from these, some disasters like a nuclear disaster, chemical disaster terrorism, and road accident are the causes of unintentional mistakes made by humans.
Type of disasters and their impact in the affected areas
On the basis of the origin, disasters can be divided into Natural and Man-made:
1. Natural Disaster -
The natural disaster is the cause of atmospheric and geological phenomena. Floods, Droughts, Cyclones, storms are Atmospheric disasters while the Landslides, Volcanoes, Earthquakes, Tsunamis, etc are Geological disasters. Both types of disaster have been included in natural disasters.
2. Man-made Disaster -
Human activities are the main reason for these types of disasters. Chemical disaster, Nuclear disaster, Fire-related, Air, Rail, Road accident, Terrorism, Bomb blasts, etc. have been included in human-made disasters.
Disaster prevention and Management
Disaster is an action taken to avoid an incident or intervene to stop an event from occurring. Which involves actions taken to preserve lives and property.
Various types of disasters affect human lives in different ways. Disaster can be small and big, but the wealth is lost on their appearance.
Therefore, it is mandatory for affected areas to take action to prevent disasters. The purpose of disaster prevention is to save lives, reduce environmental damage and economic losses.
We know that disaster is a sudden incident that can not be stopped altogether but the effects of disasters can be reduced. But some man-made disasters such as Terrorism, Road accidents, Bombings, etc can be 100% controlled.
Now! a question will come in your mind, how to reduce the impact of disasters?
The impact of a disaster can be reduced by Disaster Management.
Disaster management is a planned strategy that includes disaster preparedness, Contraception, prevention, relief work, recovery, rehabilitation, supervision etc. There are three stages of disaster management, which include various actions in different stages:
Preparation before disaster
- Disaster preparedness
- Prevention
- Contraception
Preparation at disaster time
- Local people's engagement
- Support for NGO or Voluntary Organizations
- Supplies of essential things
- Transporting calamities to safe places or camps.
Preparations after the disaster
- relief work
- The recovery
- Rehabilitation
Things to keep in mind in disaster management is that different types of disasters require different structural standards. For example, a structure built for Cyclones can not be more useful in earthquakes.
Therefore, it must be analyzed first, which disaster is most probable, continuous, and devastating in that area. Thus preventive models for different disasters should be also different for disaster prevention,
How to reduce the impacts of disasters.
Impacts of disaster can be reduced with the help of the local people, various organizations, and government machinery. Because it is teamwork, not individual. Therefore, for the prevention of disasters, everyone should work together at their own level.
Role of local people
- The measures of Disaster prevention training to the people of the affected areas, like the training of swimming in flood-affected areas.
- There should be a group of local skilled people who can help each other at the time of disasters.
- Development of safe places in buildings, villages, and others by local people in disaster-affected regions.
- In highly affected areas, cattle should not be tied, in these areas, we can keep cattle between the boundaries made by bamboos or Roops.
- A pond should be established in the affected areas which can help us in flood and drought.
- In the cyclone or Tsunami-affected areas, the habitat should be far from the coastal regions and Mangrove forests should be planted in coastal regions,
- Earthquake-resistant houses should be mandatory in earthquake-affected areas.
- Before the disaster, we should have Information about the safe location in affected areas. Such as school, house, and working place.
- The structure of large buildings should be fire and electricity proof.
- There should be a safe stock of food items in the affected areas to fight hunger.
Role of the government machinery
- Warning facilities before the disaster.
- Increased public awareness.
- Immediate supply of relief material.
- Deployment of National Disaster Response Force (NDRF) in disaster-prone areas.
- The communication system should be increased.
- First Aid and Health Care for the injured.
- Disaster recovery - Land reform, rehabilitation, livelihood, etc.
- Relief work must be at war level.
- River linking systems should be developed for drought prone areas.
Role of Voluntary Organizations or NGOs
The role of voluntary organizations is one of the most important remedies of disaster prevention. Many organizations should do relief work at their own level In the emergency period. Like Recovery work, Delivery of relief materials, etc. We should have more cooperation to increase their morale.
Thus, the effects of a disaster can be reduced by developing a proper plan by the above-mentioned models.
Of course! Disasters are a big issue, but in some cases disaster can be helpful for a region, because it is providing an opportunity to develop our infrastructure and technologies, and lastly, In such regions disaster is always affected awareness is the most important remedy of disaster prevention.
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