Preparation for the UPSC exam requires extensive reading of current events. Since the exam format and material were updated in 2013, candidates are expected to be up-to-date on events unfolding on a global scale. But lots of Students have a popular FAQ- How to prepare current affairs for UPSC?

You should check out this article if you want to know how to study for the UPSC examination. There are three parts to the Civil Service exam: the Preliminary, the Mains, and the Personality Test. Relevant current events are essential in all three phases.

How To Prepare Current Affairs For UPSC

Before you prepare your strategy, let's find the solution to the question, "How do I study for current events?" Although there is no predetermined syllabus for the current events portion, it is still a good idea to consult the syllabus before beginning this subject. Students must thus read all relevant news articles and prepare contextual information.

7 Steps - How to Prepare Current Affairs for UPSC? 

1. Instructions for Getting Ready

UPSC makes specific reference to the required level of knowledge of current events. The preliminary and final exams will include up-to-date information, but each will have its unique set of topics to cover. So, they must keep up with the news and take notes on the key events happening daily. 

For complete preparation under the guidance of expats I joined The Thought Tree. They provide best IAS coaching in Jaipur along with free mentorship. Here I learnt some important facts about UPSC Civil services exam as well as preparation for current affairs.  

2. Studying Current Affairs for the UPSC

In the Civil Service Examination, questions related to current events are heavily weighted across all exam levels. Candidates taking the UPSC examination should adopt the correct strategy for the current affairs component because it is an ever-changing and undefined exam element.

You need to put in consistent, hard work to do well on this exam. Candidates often struggle to know which current events materials are worth reading and which ones can be safely ignored due to the abundance of such materials both online and in print.

Candidates should be familiar with newspapers like The Hindu and The Indian Express. Besides this, Yojana magazine, The Niti Aayog reports, Economic and political weekly magazines,s and news channels like Durdarshan, BBC can be good sources.

3. Newspaper and Magazines

Candidates for the Civil Service examination would familiarise themselves with the most recent events by reading newspapers. As an additional study aid, several relevant news magazines might be of use. To fully prepare for the current affairs segment, you need more than just the Best Newspaper for UPSC. There are a plethora of publications from which to choose; nevertheless, you should avoid accumulating an excessive number of titles. Just read a few of reputable publications known for their insightful articles.

4. Note-Making

It's essential to take notes while you analyze the subjects. Verify the analysis is appropriately written. Take notes as you study for the UPSC exam since they will be invaluable to you in the final stages of your study.

As it is impossible to learn from day-to-day notes organized by date, such notes are ineffective. The easiest way to take notes is subject-based, so all of the data about a given topic is kept in a single location. Make your notes in whatever way is most practical for you (offline, online, etc.).

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5. Consistent Revision

The most straightforward strategy to study for the current affairs portion of the exam is to make notes to review as you study. Be careful to do thorough, regular revisions of the material you've already covered. As a result, you'll be better able to remember the massive amount of information needed to pass UPSC. Keep reviewing them, as doing so will help you make connections between various topics as you learn more.

6. Don't ever try to mug up

Camming is necessary for some portions but not for the current affairs questions to pass the UPSC examination. So, don't try to cram when studying for the current affairs application. It simply wouldn't do the job. Remember that the only information you need to commit to memory for this current affairs question is a list of dates and names.

7. Stress on the essential terms or Keywords

It's recommended to go over a topic several times to extract the essential concepts and then to jot down some quick notes. This is one more facet of current affairs which you must study.

So, search for the keywords while you're getting ready to talk about a particular subject. During the review, it will be much easier to make connections between the keywords you've written down and the current affair issue if you've written down all the keywords connected to that topic in one spot.

When encountering a keyword in a question, you may quickly recall all the relevant information you studied for that exam section.


A thorough program of review and revision is essential for success in the UPSC Civil Service Exam. In other words, keep on writing. You may rest assured that this approach will capture the most significant aspects of the here and now. Because current events are constantly changing, the best approach to remembering the information is to review it frequently and use it in new ways in your answers. 

If you want to do well in the UPSC exam, you should prepare thoroughly and keep continuing answer writing practice every day. Choose an article's viewpoint or a subject from the course outline and ask a question based on it. Now that you know the question, you may answer it, make corrections, and go on. You may also join coaching to get ready-made notes for current affairs, which would save you a lot of time.

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