Stage - 1 Preliminary Test - Generally, known as the PT exam, in which objective types questions are asked. This exam is just a screening test, after passing it, you get a chance to appear in the next stage of the exam.
Stage - 2 Main Examination - Students who pass the PT exam appear in the main examination. This examination will be written which includes both qualifying and result oriented papers.
Stage - 3 Personality Test - This is the last test for the civil service exam. Generally known as Interview.
UPSC Exam Pattern For Preliminary Test
This is the first stage of the exam which aims to shortlist candidates for the second stage exam. The marks which you obtained in the PT examination do not contribute to the final result.
The preliminary exam consists of two multiple choice objective type question papers. First Paper is GS - I and Second GS -II (CSAT - Civil service aptitude test ). 400 marks are prescribed for both papers, i.e. 200 marks for each paper and 2 hours for each paper. Visually handicapped students have 20 minutes of extra time.
In this exam GS - II (CSAT) is the only qualifying paper, In which 33% marks are compulsory. The marks of this paper are not added to make the merit of the PT exam. The merit of PT Exam is created only on the basis of GS-I. For which cut-off is determined by UPSC.
The number of questions in GS Paper-I is 100 and the number of questions in GS Paper- II is 80. Both papers are available in Hindi and English medium. In the PT exam, negative marking is one - third. It means one correct answer is deducted on every three wrong answers.
UPSC Exam pattern For mains
After passing the preliminary examination candidates appear in the main exam. That is the second stage of the CS exam.
In this stage, UPSC conducts a written exam for the total number of 1750. There are two types of papers in the written exam. First is Qualifying papers and Second is that which creates merit.
The total number of papers in the main exam is 9, in which two papers are Qualifying with 33% Marks, and the marks obtained in 7 papers are counted for merits. In all nine papers, questions and their answers are like short and long article types.
Qualifying papers
Paper - A
One of the Indian language exams is described in Schedule 8 of the Indian Constitution. Candidates can choose the language of their choice. 300 marks are prescribed for this paper.
Paper - B
This paper consists of an English test, which aims to know the candidate's English skills and an understanding of the English language. 300 marks are also prescribed for this paper.
The level of questions in the paper-A and paper-B is matriculation or its equivalent. Both papers are of qualifying nature, but a minimum of 25% marks is required in each paper. 3 hours the time is fixed for each paper.
Note -Students who belong to Arunachal Pradesh, Manipur Meghalaya, Mizoram, Nagaland, and Sikkim, for them Paper-A is not compulsory. As well as candidates with hearing impairment provided they can prove that they have been exempted from such 2nd or 3rd language courses by their concerned board or university.
7 Merit oriented papers for Mains Exam
These 7 papers which make merit in the main examination, divided into three parts. All details of the above are given below-
Paper - I
General studies - I
(Indian Heritage and Culture, Salient feature of Indian society, Indian and World History, Geography of India & World.)
250 Marks
3 Hours
Paper - III
General Studies - II
( Constitution, Governance, Polity, International relations, and Social Justice.)
250 Marks
3 Hours
Paper - IV
General Studies - III
(Science &Tech, Economy development, Environment,
Biodiversity, Disaster Management, and security.)
250 Marks
3 Hours
Paper - V
General Studies - IV
(Ethics, Integrity, and Aptitude.)
250 Marks
3 Hours
Paper - VI
Optional subject
paper - I
250 Marks
3 Hours
Paper - VII
Optional subject
paper - II
250 Marks
3 Hours
UPSC optional subjects for mains exam:
Animal husbandry and veterinary science
Mechanical Engineering
Medical Science
Civil Engineering
Commerce and Accountancy
Political science and International relationship
Electric engineering
Public Administration
Literature (anyone in 23 languages) List is below
Literature Subjects
Assamese, Bangali, Dongri, English, Gujarati, Hindi, Kannad, Kashmiri, Konkani, Maithili, Malayalam, Manipuri, Marathi, Nepali, Uriya, Panjabi, Sanskrit, Santhali, Sindhi, Tamil, Telugu, and Urdu.
Interview or personality Test
This is the last and final round for the UPSC civil service exam. An interview is a part of the main exam, But it is considered different due to having an oral test. For this, 275 marks are fixed while the time limit is not fixed. The time can be 10 minutes or even 30 minutes, which is not guaranteed. Your interview marks are added to merit.
After passing the main examination UPSC called for an Interview. In this stage, UPSC wants to know your talking and Quek decision skills. For this reason, it is also called a psychological test. In this, the attitude and nature of the candidates are also examined.
UPSC Syllabus for CSE Exam.
UPSC civil service exam syllabus for preliminary and mains exams are different from each other. Here some topics are similar but patterns of both are different. Preliminary is Objective type exam while mains are Explanatory (written) types. The syllabus for both the exams is given below separately.
UPSC Prelims Syllabus
There are two Objective type question papers in the preliminary exam. 200 Marks and 2 hours times for each paper. Negative marking is one third.
Paper - I (General Studies)
National and International current events.
History of India and Indian national movement.
Geography of India and World. Physical and Human Geography, Map Studies, etc.
Indian Polity, Indian Constitution, and Governance. Panchayati Raj, Important Articles, Rights, political system, etc.
Social and Economic Development, Sustainable development, Poverty, Unemployment, Inclusion, Demography, Social Sector initiatives, etc.
Issues in Environments, Ecology, Biodiversity, pollution, etc.
General Science (10th Levels)
Science and technology
Paper-II ( CSAT )
Hindi and English Comprehension.
Interpersonal skills with Communication skills. Decision making
Logical Reasoning and Analytical Abilities, Mental Abilities.
Mathematics and Statistics (graphs, Chart, Tables, Data sufficiency, etc.) Class 10th Levels.
Decision making and Problem-solving.
The main exam includes nine papers in total. Which is an explanatory type written test. All the papers have included topics related to different fields, whose detailed information is given below. In this exam, candidates can choose Hindi or English as the medium for writing.
Paper - A
Paper -A is Indian languages,300Marks, Qualifying Nature
In this paper, candidates select a modern Indian language, according to your choice. In this, questions are related to 10th level Grammar. The topics are following
Paper - B
Paper -B is English,300Marks, Qualifying Nature.
The purpose of this paper is to test the candidates, awareness of reading and writing in the English language. Whose standard is of the 10th level. In this paper, questions are asked from Grammar. The topics are given below-
Paper - I
Essay, 250 Marks,
In this paper, candidates have the option of some specific subjects like economic, social, technology, current issues, etc. In which it is mandatory to write an essay on one of them. In this paper, the candidate can write a meaningful article to maintain his views on the relevant subject close. Candidates can write in their preferred medium or language. There is no compulsion of a word boundary. Effective and factual answers are given more value.
GS - I, 250 Marks
For this paper following topics to be covered -
Indian Heritage and Culture - India's Heritage, Art, Literature, and Architecture aspects from ancient times till now.
Indian and World History - Modern History of India -
Indian freedom struggle - various stages and contributions or contributors in different regions of the country.
Consolidation and reorganization of native states after independence.
World History - Important events of world history that took place in the 18th century such as industrial revolution, world war, the development of national boundaries, colonialism, Dissolution.Political philosophy like capitalism, socialism, communism, etc. and its impact and form on society
Physical geography and their characteristics of India and the world.
Major natural resources and their distribution in India and the world(Including South Asia)
Important geophysical phenomena, such as earthquakes, volcanoes, tsunamis, cyclones, landslides, etc.
Geographical characteristics and their locations -
Topography created by Maru, River, Glacier, etc.
Changes in flora and fauna and the effects of such changes.
The verses of India and the characteristics of Indian society like social, cultural, ethnic, tribal community, etc.
Women and their organizations
Population and its related Issues
Poverty and development issues
Urbanization, problem, and treatment
Impact of Globalization on Indian Society
Social empowerment, regionalism, communalism, and secularism.
Factors responsible for the localization of primary, secondary, and third sector industries in different parts of India and the world.
Paper - III
GS - II, 250 Marks
Historical development basis and characteristics of the Indian Constitution.
Constitution amendments, important provisions, and basic structures.
Union and state functions, issues, and challenges related to a federal structure, decentralization of powers, Local financial system, and their challenges.
Separation of powers between different bodies, settlement of disputes of institutions
Comparison of constitutional schemes with different countries.
Parliament and State Legislative Assemblies - Structure, functioning, powers, privileges, and issues arising.
The structure, organization, and functions of the government's executive and Judiciary departments and the ministry, Pressure groups, and their roles in formal or informal unions and regimes.
Key features of the Representation of the People Act.
Appointment of various constitutional posts, powers, functions, and responsibilities.
Statutory, regulatory and various quasi-judicial bodies
Interventions for issues arising out of government policies and development in various areas, design, and implementation of plans.
Welfare schemes for vulnerable groups of the population by the Central and State Government
Mechanisms, institutions, laws, and bodies constituted for the betterment of vulnerable groups.
Development processes, industry, NGOs, SHGs, various associations and groups, donors, charities, institutional, and role of other stakeholders.
Relations with India and their neighboring countries.
Regional, bilateral, and global agreements, Deemed to affect the interests of India.
Impact of policies and politics of developed and developing countries on Indian migrants.
Important International institutions, agencies, and their structure and mandate.
Governance, transparency and accountability, e-governance - models, applications, successes, capabilities, and Important aspects of boundaries; Citizens, Charter, Accountability, and Transparency, and other measures. Role of civil services in a democracy.
Health, Education, Issues related to development and management of social services related to human resources, Issues related to poverty and hunger, etc.
Paper - IV
GS - III, 250 Marks
Planning and related issues of the Indian economy, resources, employment, and development.
Inclusive development and related issues.
Government Budget and related topics.
Different types of crops, irrigation sources, irrigation systems, agricultural produce, and related issues in different parts of the country.
Major commercial crops for transportation and marketing E-Technology to help farmers.
Agricultural subsidies (direct and indirect), MSP (minimum support prices), and related issues.
Objectives, Functions, and Reforms of PDS (Public Distribution System). Subjects related to buffer stock and food security, animal husbandry, etc.
Food Processing and Related Industries in India - Need, Scope, and Importance. Supply chain management.
Land Reforms and Related Work in India.
Impact of liberalization on the Indian economy, new industrial policy and changes in it, and its effect on industrial development.
Infrastructure: Road, Energy, Ports, Airports, Railways, etc.
Investment Model of India.
Developments in everyday life and their applications and influence Indian achievements in science and technology; Indigenize technology and develop new technology.
Indigenization of technology and development of new technologies.
Awareness in the field of issues related to space, computers, robotics, IT, nanotechnology, biotechnology, and intellectual property rights.
Relationship between the development of extremism and their spread.
Role of external state and non-state actors in internal security and creating challenges.
Cybersecurity and internal security challenges through communication networks, the role of media and social networking sites in internal security challenges, basics of cybersecurity; Money-laundering, and its use.
Security challenges and their management in border areas; Organized crime relationship with terrorism.
Various security forces, agencies, and their mandates.
Paper - V
GS - IV, 250 Marks
This question paper includes questions that will reveal the candidates' loyalty to public life, their aptitude and their attitude towards ethical matters, and the will of the society will be tested on the various issues of behavior and explanations to the problems faced. Question papers to test include a case study of a case. The following topics will be covered mainly in this paper.
The essence of ethics in human activity, its determinants, and consequences, the dimension of ethics, ethics in private and public relations.
Human Values - Education from the life and teachings of great leaders, reformers, and administrators.
Role of family, society, and educational institutions in developing values.
Its influence and relationship in the context of content structure, work, thought, and behavior.
Cultivating moral and political interest, influence, and consent.
Interest and basic values for civil service, integrity, impartiality.
May you surrender to public service.
Support, tolerance, and compassion for the weaker sections.
Concepts and dimensions, their utility, and use in governance.
Contribution of various moral thinkers and philosophers of India and the world.
Situation and problems, ethical concerns and dilemmas in government and private institutions,
Law, rules, regulation and accountability as sources of ethical guidance.
Strengthening moral values in governance
Corporate Governance
Integrity in governance:
Public service concept
The philosophical basis of governance and honesty
Information Exchange and Transparency in Government, Right to Information (RTI)
Ethics Code of Conduct
Challenges of corruption, etc.
Paper - VI
Optional subject paper - I
Paper -VII
Optional subject paper - II
Note:- Candidates can choose any one Optional subject from the list. The optional subjects list is provided above. There will be two papers of the chosen subject which have to be given as Paper VI and Paper VII.
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Disclaimer - All the information which has been maintained above is taken from various references and information published by UPSC. I tried to write the given information without error. However, you can comment on any modification.
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